About Us

Milton Parker is more than just an accountancy firm; we have over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, and have cultivated and established excellent working relationships with relevant stakeholders and government bodies that ensure we can provide the best quality service and guidance to our valued clients.

We pride ourselves on providing a full range of services to fulfil the needs of our clients. We are considered experts in the fields of Accounting and Bookkeeping, Tax Cases, Insolvency related works and Business Consulting, and as our reputation has grown we have been highly recommended in these areas.

We also specialise in assisting sole traders, SME’s and corporations, and we serve our clients at every level of their organisation, in whatever capacity we can be most beneficial. As trusted advisors to management or as a hands-on coach their employees, we have facilitated the success of start-ups, SMEs and corporations.

As our capacity has grown, we have expanded our repertoire and we also provide support to foreign investors. Additionally we provide Recruitment Services, managing the entire process from advertising and vetting applications to initial interviews; as well as Company Secretarial Services. Both of these services have proved invaluable to both local and international companies that may not yet have that infrastructure or personnel in place.

At Milton Parker we strive to build long-term relationships with our clients, taking a personal approach that engenders trust and provides us with a better insight your business, allowing us to ensure your business prospers.

Milton Parker have over 20 years of experience, and we will ensure you always get the best guidance.

We provide accounting services, consulting, and financial advice to both individuals and businesses. Our 20 years of experience and good working relationships with government bodies, ensures that we provide the best service and guidance.


  Room 508, 5th Floor, Sterling House,

Lislet Geoffroy St. Port Louis

  (+230) 208 15 07


  Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 17.00

Copyright 2017 Milton Parker Conceptualised by MYP Online Marketing